May Constellations With Star Chart

The Summer Triangle

Spring Constellations in May

Orion The Hunter –  the great winter constellation –  is setting very early in the western sky making way for the spring constellations.  By 1am in May, you will be able to see the summer triangle which is comprised of the stars Vega, Deneb, and Altair.  We’ll explore these constellations in today’s post.

Vega can be found in the constellation Lyra the Harp.   Lyra is a tiny constellation, but Vega is one of the brightest stars in the sky and is visible from spring through autumn in the northern hemisphere.     Lyra is home to one of the best known deep sky objects – M57, which is also known as the Ring Nebula.

North America Nebula

North America Nebula

Deneb can be found in the constellation Cygnus the Swan.  The cool thing about Cygnus is that it lies on the plane of the Milky Way Galaxy so if you can find Cygnus, you’ll be able to see the faint smudge of light of the Milky Way.  The most famous deep sky object found in Cygnus is the North America Nebula – NGC 7000. 

Altair can be found in the constellation Aquila the Eagle.  Aquila also lies along the Milky Way.  Aquila’s claim to fame is that not one, but two novae have been seen in it.  One in 389 BC and another in 1918.

Constellations aren’t the only thing going on in the May night sky though.  At dawn during the first three weeks of May, Mercury, Venus, Mars and Jupiter will all be within a 10-degree circle of one another.  On May 29th, at 5:30am, the waning crescent moon will join the show.  You won’t want to miss this one!

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6 Responses to “May Constellations With Star Chart”

  • Md.shamsul alam khan. says:

    I just can see the stars… just can see..i think about space thousands year(!) with my this little time of the only life…seems every thing unimaginable and unknown … i think, human/scientist will never success to find out the misty of space…. why this universe made for ??


  • Md.shamsul alam khan. says:

    unimaginable space will be always silent to human…!!!


  • blah blah blah says:

    amazing got so much facts for my assiment in highschool thanks!!!


  • Jesie says:

    So true, unimaginable! Something cant be done


  • Wendy Sells says:

    with outer space is there really air in outer space and with the other planets some people are saying that they would like to live on the Moon but is safe to even live on the moon ir is it not safe to live on the moon since the space- austronuts were building some-thing out in outer space because I sure would like to know very much. from Wendy Sells


  • Wendy Sells says:

    in outer space how can people tell what time it is when it dark in outer space because I sure would like to know very much. from Wendy Sells


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