Posts Tagged ‘galaxy’
Giant Green Blobs Found in Space!
NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope recently imaged these giant green blobs in the vicinity of the spiral galaxy IC 2497. This kind of oddity, which is in the constellation Leo Minor, is not well understood and remains unclassified.
What is the Smallest Galaxy in the Universe?
Have you ever wondered what the smallest galaxy in the universe is? As far as we know today, that distinction goes to a galaxy called Willman 1.
The Barred Spiral Galaxy NGC 1672
NGC 1672 is a barred spiral galaxy. It can be found in the constellation Dorado – The Swordfish. An interesting feature in NGC 1672 is a large bright bar that bisects it. Read the rest of this entry >>
Polar Ring Galaxies: Strange Galaxies Indeed!
It’s not unusual to come across strange things in the universe. The unbelievably enormous size of the universe makes it a sure bet that we will continually find oddities! In my opinion, Polar Ring Galaxies fall into the category of not only odd, but quite rare as well.
The Sombrero Hat Galaxy
Imagine dropping out of hyperlight flight five light years away and slightly above the galactic plane of the Sombrero Galaxy. Would the bridge of your interstellar research ship be bathed in the immense stellar glow of this beautiful galaxy? What a sight that would be! As mentioned in earlier posts, this galaxy is is one of my favorites. It is very photogenic and can be easily seen by the amateur astronomer.