Summer Constellations in the Northern Hemisphere

Star Chart - Summer Constellations

Summer Constellation Star Chart

Now is a great time to sleep out under the stars!  Looking for summer constellations in the in the northern hemisphere is a great way to spend a warm summer night and the place to start your search is the Summer Triangle.

The Summer Triangle is made up of three bright stars that are in three separate constellations and are all inside of the Milky Way  – the bright band of stars that spans the night sky.  The Summer Triangle contains the stars Vega, Altair, and Deneb.

Let’s start with Vega.  Vega is part of the constellation Lyra.  Lyra is a small constellation that you will see directly overhead and is shaped like a parallelogram.  Vega is a bluish white star that is triple the size of our Sun and one of the brightest stars in the night sky.  It should be easy to find.

The Summer Triangle

The Summer Triangle

Next, let’s find Deneb.  Deneb can be found in the constellation Cygnus the Swan, which is sometimes referred to as the Northern Cross.  If you draw a straight line between the bowl stars of the Big Dipper and follow it upwards – you will find Deneb which makes up the tail of the Swan.  Deneb is a super-giant star – it is 60,000 times brighter than our sun.  Another interesting thing is that the beak of the Swan contains Alberio which is actually a double star.

To complete the Summer Triangle locate Altair which can be found in the constellation Aquila the Eagle.  Altair is inside what would be the chest of the eagle.  Altair is the brightest star in the constellation and is the twelfth brightest star in the night sky.

Congratulations!  You’ve found the Summer Triangle.  Enjoy the warm nights while they last.  We’ve passed the summer solstice which means the nights are starting to get longer again and we’ve begun our journey to the frigid nights of winter here in the northern hemisphere!

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6 Responses to “Summer Constellations in the Northern Hemisphere”

  • siege14 says:

    wow! good details! hehe


  • pennny says:

    so cooooooooooooooooollllllllllllllllllll……………………………………………. :):):):):):):)


  • jayashree r k says:

    it helped me a lot by giving a lot of information and also helped to complete my assignments:)


  • nickzz05 says:

    thanks for the infooosss!!! ^.-


  • Sky says:

    This was really useful!


  • Nindha says:

    1. a mean distance beweetn the earth and the sun. Astronomical far light travels in a year3.because the earth is round and we cant see stars in the day only at night and because we travel half a lap round (not around the sun) and at night we are facing the south not north and we cant see the north side of the earth so we can only see the southern hemisphare.


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