Snow Rollers – Rare Weather Phenomenon
Rare Snow Rollers formed throughout portions of Ohio and Pennsylvania during a particularly windy winter storm on January 27, 2014. Now I know that we normally post articles that are related to space and the universe, but this weather phenomenon is so rare I had to write about it! What makes it even better is that it happened right here at the world headquarters of Outer Space Universe. Snow Rollers very rarely form here. In fact, I’ve never seen them before!
How Earth’s Atmosphere Burns Meteors, Comets, and Other Space Debris
Outer Space is full of potentially dangerous objects – objects such as asteroids, comets, meteoroids, and even man-made satellites that pose a risk to our planet. While the vast majority of such objects are not on a path to collide with our own planet, some occasionally are. Without the protection offered by our atmosphere, meteors, comets, and other such space debris would crash into the Earth’s surface, potentially causing significant damage. So – how exactly does our atmosphere protect us?
Spacequakes in Earth’s Magnetic Field
Today, researchers coined a new word – spacequake! A spacequake occurs in Earth’s magnetic field and plays a key role in jolting the Northern Lights into brilliant activity.
Aurora Borealis Season Begins With Spring
If you’re lucky enough to live in the northern hemisphere and even luckier to live near the arctic circle, this is prime time for viewing the Aurora Borealis. For some unknown reason, the Aurora Borealis seems to be more active during the spring equinox. Of course, if you lived in the southern hemisphere near the South Pole, you’d be looking forward to viewing the Aurora Australis – but that’s a completely different story!