The First Monkey in Outer Space: Albert II
Before humans were sent into space, it was important for scientists to test the survivability of outer space without endangering human lives. One of the ways this was done was by sending animals in place of humans. While several different types of animals were used for this testing throughout the years, monkeys became one of the best types because of their similarities to humans. Do you know the name of the first monkey in space?
The first monkey sent to outer space was named Albert II. Albert II was a Rhesus Monkey, a small monkey that is known for its survivability of a large range of habitats. Albert II was sent into space by the United States space program in order for scientists to test the effects of radiation that astronauts would be exposed to at high altitudes.
Albert II was sent into space aboard a V2 rocket. The V2 rocket is a long-range ballistic missile developed in Germany. Both the United States and the Soviet Union used the V2 missile technology as part of their space programs. The V2 rockets used to send monkeys into space were modified to attempt to safely carry the animal into space and allow for a safe return of it, as well.
While the launch of the V2 rocket carrying Albert II was a success and he was able to reach the high altitudes that scientists we aiming for, he unfortunately did not survive the parachute landing that was part of his return to Earth. Many other monkeys flew to space after Albert II, but he will always be known as the first one to do so.
This is unfortunate, those animals had a beating heart just like us and the fact that people sent them into space without knowing what was going to happen is immature and selfish. I have absolutely no reason why animals are less important than humans. U anything primates are smarter and kinder than humans. It’s not like they start wars and kill each other. This is awful and disgusting and I wish that someone would understand this. If anybody agree comment so something can be done about this.
Anon replied:
February 18th, 2014 at 8:59 pm
True. they did have a heart and they were alive.
Wait… did you just say they were smarter and kinder than humans?
The reason we’re ahead of them technologically is that we are smarter. They also don’t have nearly as complex an empathy mechanism as we do. Furthermore, they do kill each other, but they don’t have the mental capacity or language to be able to start a war. It’s not a matter of understanding – you’re the one who is wrong. Although I am sad that the animal died, our intentions were to see if we could get it alive. The death of this monkey has no impact on your life. It has no impact on ANYONE’s life. It’s death is a damn shame, but it’s better than sending a person. If you would prefer a human be sent, you’re saying you’d prefer a helpless creature live over a person with a competent family. THAT’s disgusting to me. I bet you’re one of those people who hates humanity and believes that it’s inherently evil. lol.
grumpycat replied:
January 18th, 2015 at 11:20 pm
uhh… actually, if human was sacrifice in space in NASA. It’s cause brutal (cause of self harm for a test)and yes I feel bad for the animal, I know animals have heart but, smarter and kinder? actually that’s not true but almost!humans are almost the same to animals but human are highly educated cause to discover many thing we have to know. like we discovered a mythical animal called chubracabra- caught by billy. and I don’t trying to take it seriously. 🙂 – English is not my mouth if I made a mistake
i HATE ANIMAL CRUELTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
it is so unfair that they just send it off and just good luck getting back home to your normal habitat
i really impress
Why was he coming back to earth with a parachute.
Animals always help humans in any test before a real step is taken, so we owe them a big credit and they deserve a big thanks, we do love you!
what “patches” would albert ii (the first monkey to make it to space) gotten?
I agree,and they shouldn’t have endangered the other animals lives by send more into space!
This is unfortunate, those animals had a beating heart just like us and the fact that people sent them into space without knowing what was going to happen is immature and selfish. I have absolutely no reason why animals are less important than humans. U anything primates are smarter and kinder than humans. It’s not like they start wars and kill each other. This is awful and disgusting and I wish that someone would understand this. If anybody agree comment so something can be done about this.
Poor monkey.
good research about it though x
Okay, to be honest, I’m against animals being testing for unnecessary and unjust reasons such as beauty and useless chemicals. But when its science and medicine, animals are the most incredible beings as they are the closest beings to our own bodies. Similar from the inside to almost the outside.
Yes, it is upsetting that animals pass on when we send them into space or medical reasons but animals are unbelievably valuable as they have at some point saved everyone’s life one way or another whether it’s from the HIV shots, Cervical Cancer Shots and numerous other shots that prevent us from illnesses and diseases. Without animals to help aid science and medical resources, we’d be dead and possibly so would they.
Science is incredible. Love it people. Love it.
where did this flight take place
Yes exactly where did it take place?
I think the same! SUPER!
The V2 was a small rocket which did not have “combustion instability” . This monkey is in me as a polio vaccination . Why did the Space Shuttle not have the foam/installation inside the skin of the fuel tanks so that there would be no holes made in the wing of the shuttle ? Can a ram-jet with a cold-fusion magnetically held in the combustion chamber be an inter-galaxy engine turning hydrogen atom floating in space at a density of one per cubic meter into a helium atom by cold fusion ? Even a ramjet bullet may be possible with an aluminium oxide coated combustion chamber to achieve mark 20 ?~!
poor monkeys