Violent Galactic Collision: Stephan’s Quintet
What happens when galaxies get too close to one another? Why a galactic collision of course! Stephan’s Quintet happens to be a pretty violent one.
Giant Green Blobs Found in Space!
NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope recently imaged these giant green blobs in the vicinity of the spiral galaxy IC 2497. This kind of oddity, which is in the constellation Leo Minor, is not well understood and remains unclassified.
What is the Smallest Galaxy in the Universe?
Have you ever wondered what the smallest galaxy in the universe is? As far as we know today, that distinction goes to a galaxy called Willman 1.
The Barred Spiral Galaxy NGC 1672
NGC 1672 is a barred spiral galaxy. It can be found in the constellation Dorado – The Swordfish. An interesting feature in NGC 1672 is a large bright bar that bisects it. Read the rest of this entry >>
Gravitational Lens Effect: Bending Light
Did you know that very strong gravity can actually bend light? Gravitational lenses are formed when light from a very distant source is bent around an object with a very large mass. Albert Einstein’s general theory of relativity predicted this phenomenon.