6 Incredible Pictures of the Sun from Space

Sun from Space

Our view of the sun can be a bit blinding at times when we look up from here on Earth.  To get a better idea of what the sun looks like, here are 6 great pictures of the sun from space that are sure to put you in awe of that star that is in the center of our solar system.

Earth's Sun

A great view of solar flares

Picture of our sun

Here is the Sun with Dramatic Lighting

Picture of the Sun

A picture showing a closer view of the Sun's edge

Outer Space Sun

An incredible picture of the sun from outer space

The Sun

A more traditional view of the Sun

The Sun outer space

Our Sun

Seeing these up-close pictures of our Sun really makes you think about how crazy it is that there is some massive body floating out there just exploding with light and energy.

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37 Responses to “6 Incredible Pictures of the Sun from Space”

  • Eva says:

    People say there is no air in space.
    Those people are wrong.
    There is air in space!
    There is very little air in space.
    That is why you should always wear a air tank in space.


    Anonymous replied:

    A hydrogen atom here and a helium atom there hardly qualifies as “air.”


    hola replied:

    there is no air in space


  • Anonymous says:

    wow that is wierd it doesnt look like that at all in the sky those are some cool pictures of the sun


  • Wasim says:

    Sun is a very good source of light and heat .


  • hodeca says:

    this is really aswome


  • Anonymous says:

    It’s a mass of energy how long will it last for


    Sarah replied:

    it was made around 5 billion years ago and will end in about 5 billion years. so it is predicted to be alive for 10 billion years. very confusing.


  • Chioma says:

    Is this really the sun?I can’t believe the sun is red in space



    wow that is so cool. why does every thing look so awesome in space!


    Sarah replied:

    u can say tat again


  • michelle says:

    i love the sun its the giver of life we are made of the stars but one day this beauty in the sky will take life away i love the pictures they are great x


  • Simone says:

    These pics are taken with special cameras that show the surface of the sun in greater detail. If you were standing somewhere in space and saw the sun, it wouldn’t appear red or yellow. It would appear like a very bright white light with a slightly blue aura.


  • sommey says:

    it was God who created the sun and only him can cool it


  • H.Raj says:

    Its all a big dream.The sun and the infinte suns are as true as the infinite suns and moons in the dream.Methaphysically speaking,even our great scientists will always fail to understand the reality behind the play as they are always using the instruments of the body, mind and intellect and tendencies. Beyond the frontiers,its becomes obvious.Otherwise we are always in a world of wonder. Everything at a certain point in time will cease to exist except the real You and Me which is the very substratum,the pure existence principle, because of which the infinte suns and moon exist.Until the great metamorphose has not taken place from the individual to infinte self,every thing is a beautiful dream and wonder too .When the dreamer wakes up,he metamorphoses and becomes the waker and when the waker wakes up he permeates everything-the infinte suns and moons.So your pure YOU is the real stuff behind eveything and incredibly,its you looking at YOURSELF in infinite space.Its sounds crazy but very few can confirm it.


  • yaqoot azizi says:

    wow that is cool


  • yaqoot azizi says:

    These pics are taken with special cameras that show the surface of the sun in greater detail. If you were standing somewhere in space and saw the sun, it wouldn’t appear red or yellow. It would appear like a very bright white light with a slightly blue aura.
    Its all a big dream.The sun and the infinte suns are as true as the infinite suns and moons in the dream.Methaphysically speaking,even our great scientists will always fail to understand the reality behind the play as they are always using the instruments of the body, mind and intellect and tendencies. Beyond the frontiers,its becomes obvious.Otherwise we are always in a world of wonder. Everything at a certain point in time will cease to exist except the real You and Me which is the very substratum,the pure existence principle, because of which the infinte suns and moon exist.Until the great metamorphose has not taken place from the individual to infinte self,every thing is a beautiful dream and wonder too .When the dreamer wakes up,he metamorphoses and becomes the waker and when the waker wakes up he permeates everything-the infinte suns and moons.So your pure YOU is the real stuff behind eveything and incredibly,its you looking at YOURSELF in infinite space.Its sounds crazy but very few can confirm it.


  • Bemnet Nadew says:

    Its Educational


  • mutaqi shah says:

    really!!!!!these pics
    r very awesome
    nd coooooooll…….


  • Sami and Kaitlyn says:

    The sun is so awsome,and cool.


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