Favorite Reader Comments on Outer Space Universe
We get a lot of comments here on Outer Space Universe. This is one of our all time favorites so far!
Who the [heck] are you guys?
I got sucked in here by a black hole.
So I don’t know if this site is really safe or legit.
You do not have any info that I can see.
That explains who you are.
No physical address or anything like that.
It would sure be nice to know more or should I say anything about you.
What is the source of your information and facts.
What is your intent?
Sure hope there is no spy or adware here.
I was on the Hubble site before, then somehow ended up here.
But don’t feel you are connected to that or the NASA site.
Must be some aliens from outer space.
I am an earthling, I come in peace.
– Robert
I am the creators son my father’s come from two different parts of the universe there are three know species in the universe my little fathers stand three feet tall with large eyes and my tall fathers that stand seven feet tall .and man kind stand average five feet tall and that makes the three species know in the universe,I cary all three dna. Nasa and the United states government will not let people know I am here,my words are for all man kind, it will get worst on earth not better until they tell the world the truth,of who I really am. It’s the end of the world
Terry replied:
June 21st, 2012 at 2:35 am
“NO Not if the Plejaren Federation can help it”! There are pther worlds in this great vast universe and other universes that have human beings on their planet too but they are in vareous different stages of evolution as this world you call Earth is. Once you stop believing in God,relion, politics,cooperations.militarions,etc then you will be able to travel beyond this solar system and find out for your self,but be warnd of the nasty ETs too as well as the good ETs such as we Plejarens are mostly the good ETs.
aliens how that happren. is it real or fake?
Terry replied:
June 21st, 2012 at 2:36 am
Only if you believe you are a fake!
I would like to know if put on a pedal-stool how our planet is doing to the others that exists. Also how can we make contact with an alien with out anyone knowing.
I love the one by Robert
aliens are real just deal with it
hmmhmhmhmh aliens inspire me!!! <3
aliens are weird
aliens are ugly
Tery replied:
November 3rd, 2013 at 1:20 am
It depends on wich side of the telescope you are looking in,there are not only ugly aliens like the Greys etc, but there are are also beautiful aliuens too, expand your vision,the cosmos is just too big for just only ugly aliens!
aliens are not real
cindy replied:
February 12th, 2013 at 1:49 pm
Has NASA or really anyone else even tried to go out there and find life? like our solar system is in the middle of the milky way so what if there is other life out there maybe not aliens but another planet filled with people that could help us……
God had to “Isolate” us after the disaster of “Eden”, there has to be “Life” out there, think about it- when a little child is “Bad” we put him/her in the corner; send them to their room, when everything is straightened out we will be reunited with God’s universe, indeed! And that will really be eye opening to see the whole universe as God meant it to be!!!
hi, actually, i am a talking cat and i secretly type on this computer when my master is away. hee hee, uh oh, ahh better hurry this up. I would like to see more alien pics, uh oh gotta go, bye! Meow!
I have seen some aliens going into Earth when my big sister banished me to the Moon, the only thing i got to do is just when the Earth rotate and watch the stars and galixeys out there.
get out of our universe you creeps!!!!!!!!!!!
i not to happy with this universe,can i try another one please ?
there is no such thing as ALIANS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!